Baccarat, The Legend of Crystal — Petit Palais, Museum of Fine Arts of the City of Paris, 2014
The exhibition shows Baccarat's extraordinary know-how and its place in the history of decorative arts. International and universal exhibitions form the structure of the exhibition and the Petit Palais is regarded as an ideal setting since it was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1900. The spectacular scenography uses metal mesh to delimit the parts of the exhibition while preserving the transparency of the spaces. It ends with a light and sound installation highlighting the majestic crystal chandeliers.
temporary exhibition organized by Paris Museums
surface area: about 1200 sqm
curators : Michaela Lerch, Dominique Morel
exhibition design : bgc studio
graphic design : Margaret Gray
lighting : Abraxas concepts, Philippe Collet
audio-visual concept : Sim&Sam