Removed in 1923 and carefully preserved, the extraordinary decorations of the Chancellery of Orleans will finally be installed, after almost a century, in the heart of Paris in the ground floor of the Hotel de Rohan, which already hosts beautiful decorations as the famous cabinet des Singes and cabinet des Fables.
The project will recreate a promenade through these magnificent 18th century settings, which were very innovative in their time, and thus complete the offer of visits within the National Archives site by almost doubling the visiting area of the princely apartments.
permanent scenography for the two floors of the Hotel de Rohan
surface : 1 300 m²
client : Archives Nationales, OPPIC
commissaires : Emmanuel Penicaut, directeur de la production Mobilier National, Sabine Meuleau, responsable du service des collections et des espaces classés des Archives Nationales
ACMH : Cabinet François Jeanneau, Atelier Cairn
exhibition design: bgc studio
lighting: Gelatic, Henri Leutner, Gerald Karlikow
graphic designer: Global design, Fabrice Petithuguenin
lighting: Gelatic, Gerald Karlikow
multimedia advice: VTIC, Vincent Taurisson